Making YouTube videos in Native language vs in English

Choosing the right language for your YouTube videos is the most important step, and there are few things which will effect your earnings and views if you choose a wrong language. Languages like Urdu, or Hindi are better for people of India and Pakistan and similarly videos in Portuguese are better for people of Portugal and Brazil etc. Is it true or these are just the stories you heard, I am going to uncover these points and real facts behind them in this post so keep on reading.

Yes English is the most used language worldwide, and there are billions of viewers for videos in English language but do you know sometimes this goes against us, because more audience means more content creators and more competition.

There are many more factors which will either benefit you or have drawback, I am going to share my personal experience and research on language selection for YouTube videos. I will compare two languages Urdu and Hindi with the English in this post, so you can also consider your own native language instead of Hindi or Urdu. So this post is kind of Urdu/Hindi vs English.

The things or impacts that matter as far as language selection for your YouTube channel is concerned are the money you make, Number of viewers or subscribers you will get, ease of creating videos, future of native language vs English, and discovery.

I will be break-down each of the above factors below, so that you will get a clear look at how it makes difference if you choose a language like Urdu, Hindi, Portuguese, Polish, Arabic etc instead of the English language.

Making videos in your regional or native language vs in English complete comparison Regarding YouTube Channel progress:

One thing that I want to make sure here is that if you already have a well established channel on YouTube then you do not need to change the language of it, because the subscribers you already have will lost the trust in you and may leave you as a subscriber. So you should start a new channel instead if you are looking to make videos in some other language.  

Now lets see how will it effect if you choose a native (non-English) language for your YouTube channel and make videos in it.

Discovery or ranking in YouTube search pages: 

Since the popularity of YouTube increased in past few years, YouTube now focus on showing regional base videos in the search results and recommendations. I have searched 10 different things on YouTube before writing this article and 7 out of 10 search results returned to me was regional and native language videos.

Similarly you also might have noticed when browsing videos on YouTube that you see more videos from your region's creators.

So if you want your videos to be ranked high in the YouTube search you should focus on the native language. This will give you access to your own region, and more layman people who don't understand English language will give preference to your videos.  

Views and Subscribers on native vs English Videos:

You might have heard that videos made in English language get more views and subscribers because the number of people who understand English are more then any other language in the world. This perception is true upto some extends but not true for all channel types. 

For entertainment channels this is true that videos in English means more views, but for tech, or Tutorial related channel in fails. It is because when it comes to learning something then most of the people prefer to learn it in the own language so they love to see videos in their native language instead of English.
I am gonna show you an example about that. I will compare two Tech channel of YouTube, both channels are from India, one is in English Language and other is in Hindi.

1. Technical Guruji:

Technical Guruji of Gaurav Chaudhary is a pure technological YouTube channel in Hindi, he is making YouTube videos since October 18, 2015, and so far his channel has over 7 million subscribers and 688,685,506 total channel views.

Most of his subscribers are from India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. Technical Guruji channel is considered as trade mark for Tech channels in India and Pakistan.

2. TechWiser:

TechWiser is another Tech Channel on YouTube created by Mrinal Saha. He makes videos in English instead of Hindi. When it comes to stats his channel is way back from Technical Guruji, so far he has only 207,490 subscribers and 25,096,314 total channel views.

You will be shocked to know that Mrinal Saha started his channel 4 years before the Technical Guruji.

So making YouTube videos in your regional or native language will give you more exposure in your region. 

Ease of creating videos and competition:

You must believe me that expressing your thoughts in your native language is more easy than any other language.
So if you choose your native language instead of English language then you can talk more freely and can share your knowledge more deeply in your videos.

Yes English language has more audience on YouTube as compare to any other language but there are more content creators as well, that means when you make videos in the English language then you have to compete at the world level with other content creators. 

So if you choose English as your main language for your videos then you have to work harder and harder to get succeeded. I am not saying that you don't have to work hard if you choose native language, but like I said There are more content creators and increasing day by day in English language.

Money and earning comparison native vs English:

When it comes earning and making money from your YouTube channel, then English language has an edge over the native or non-English language.

According to a recent report on VidJoy the top 5 countries with highest CPM rate are those where mostly people understand English language, that means videos made in English will get more CPM (money earned per thousand views) as compare to the video in any other native language.

Lets see why Videos in English can make more money:

Suppose you make videos in English language, then that means your most of viewership or subscribers will be from those countries which understand English. 
As we all know that English-speaking countries like Australia, United States, United Kingdom, Canada and New Zealand etc have more stronger economy and they are way ahead in eCommerce and Tech Industry, so there are more advertisers who pay high amount for the ads, which actually means you are making more money from your videos.

This does not means that all native languages (non-English) have low CPM rate, here in this section I only talked about the native languages of those countries (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh etc) where economy is not good and advertisers pay less on ads.  

For Example countries like Norway, Kuwait, Japan, China also have high CPM rate, but there are not many English speakers. So if you think that your country's advertiser will not pay much on ads then you should choose English instead of your native language, otherwise your native language is best for you to make videos and make money.

Future of Native (Non-English) language content on YouTube:

According to stats 60% of the all views on YouTube are on non-English content, and this will increase in future too.

As more and more people around the world are joining the internet revolution, the YouTube viewership will increase in future.
Google's main focus is on supporting content creators on the basis on region, similarly YouTube is also focusing more on regional based content, so if you make videos in your native language then there are more chances that you will a break-through more quickly.



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