Gaming vs Tech channel Comparison on YouTube

Choosing the right channel type for right purpose is the baseline before you start your YouTube career. The two most hottest channel types now a days are Gaming and Tech. Lets compare them with all aspects including money, work-load and competition.

One thing that I want to make clear at the start is that if you are a Gamer and don't know much about tech things and vice versa then you should start the channel in your particular field because nothing can beat your talent.

Suppose you are a gamer and you have experience of playing games then I will not recommend you to start a technology channel if you do not know anything about Tech. But if You are a Tech man and love to play games and its your passion too, then you can start a gaming channel and there are chances that you will be popular among the audience someday.

Now its time to compare the both genre (Technology and Gaming) channels and see which one is better for you to choose.

Gaming vs. Tech Channel comparison on YouTube:

Like I said both genre are the most trending on the YouTube, and billion of people are following these two channel types. So it becomes a little hard for content creator like you to choose which one if you are looking for a breakthrough on YouTube. 

I have breakdown this post in different sections each covering the pros and cons of the both channel types. 

1. The baseline and initial investment to start a gaming or tech channel:

Everyone know when we start something we need some kind of investment at initial states, Similarly when you start a YouTube channel then you have to invest, unless you already have a setup for it.

While starting a Gaming channel you need a gaming PC and the other accessories which used in playing games on computer. An average price of gaming laptop is  $1200 to $1500 estimated, and if you add other tools like Joystick, pads, controllers etc then your starting budget might be between $2000 to $2500. 

Remember this is just the setup for playing games not for broadcasting them on YouTube. So you need extra budget to make a YouTube studio setup too, and for an average YouTube setup your budget is around $1000 which includes accessories like Camera, microphone etc. 
So for a complete setup of a gaming YouTube channel you need money around $3000 to start making gaming videos.

On the other hand a Tech YouTube channel only need a YouTube Studio setup and you do not have to buy extra accessories to broadcast yourself  and similarly you do not need a special laptop to edit and record your videos, you can do everything on your normal computer. 

So as far as lowest initial investment is required, the Technology channel is clearly the winner.

2. Amount of workload and time for creating videos:

Making videos and competing with others is a tough job now a days because thousands of creators around the world are working in these two channel genres. So you have to put your 100% on the work to get succeed and find a place among the top YouTubers out there.

Lets see first how much workload will be on you if you choose a Tech channel:

  • We all know that Technology is changing rapidly everyday, so you have to be updated all the time about the trends in tech, and for this you have to give at least 3 to 5 hours a day to reading blogs, Social Media and other kind of content. In simple words you have to do proper research before going to shoot a video.
  •  For shooting a video you need to have a proper background because its only you which can been seen to viewers not the computer screen.
  • For a Tech channel, you need scripts for your videos, and you have to decide what to say and what not to.
  • You have to edit you tech videos for an hours and hours, because without editing videos do not look like the standard. You have to care each and everything from shooting a video to editing and adding music and backgrounds.
On the other hand for a Gaming YouTube channel everything is done on the spot, no scripts, no research, all you have to do is to Play the game and say what comes in your mind while playing. Similarly editing a gaming video is very easy as compare to editing a tech video. 
So here the Gaming channel is the winner because it take less time and less hard-work to make a video for it.

3. Money and earning comparison of Tech and Gaming YouTube channel:

If you are starting YouTube as a career or you think that you can make good living out of it, then you should know everything about the earnings and other type of profits that you can make from your channel.

Monetization with Google AdSense:

Look! Different channel type make different amount of money, and when we particularly talk about the Google AdSense or Monetization of Videos then CPC, CPM and other things varies from one type of channel to another type. The average CPM on YouTube is $2, that means you will get $2 if people view ads on your videos 1000 times.

But did you know that matched content ads have more CPM rate as compare to the normal ads, and at the current moment Tech channels get more matched content ads as compare to the Gaming channel, so if you want a high CPC and CPM then you should go with Tech channel. 

Affiliate Marketing via YouTube channel:

Suppose you have a Tech channel and you review different tech items like most of the tech YouTubers do, then there are many opportunities to do affiliate marketing as there are thousands of companies available who make tech gadgets. Similarly the consumers of Tech gadgets are in huge amount as compare to the Gaming. 

Moreover Technology gadgets are in million of numbers and there are new tech things launching everyday, while gaming gadgets are limited in numbers. So selling Tech gadgets via your YouTube channel is more profitable as compare to the Gaming gadgets.  

4. Influences, Industry exposure, and Opportunities:

Gaming is kind of industry which is bound to a limited circle in most of the countries, and the gaming industry is not as huge as it should have been. If you start a YouTube channel on Gaming then you also will be bound to a limited circle and there are no more chances to get a breakthrough except that you will have lots of fans on the YouTube or on other streaming sites.

But Technology is the biggest industry now a days and is getting more bigger and bigger everyday. 
If you are taking YouTube serious as a career option then you can get a breakthrough in the Tech Industry as well (You would not only be bound to make videos on YouTube), Because from Artificial Intelligence to Blockchain, smartphones to other Internet things the Tech industry is so big and it is full of opportunities.

So as Tech YouTuber there are more chances to get hired by a company or to start your own Tech company, Because your videos are not just making money for you but also they acting as a resume that reflects your skills and knowledge about the Technology.  

5. Competition:

Competition in gaming is low as compare to the Tech as for as YouTube channel is concerned, it is because Gaming is still a new thing in most of the third world countries and there are not many people from these countries who are making videos on Gaming, So there are fair bit of chances that you can target such a audience and be popular among them.

On the other hand Technology is a well established industry, and I have noticed that almost every country have thousands of Tech YouTubers who are making videos on different Tech related topics.


So these were just few statistics that differentiate both Gaming channel and Tech channel from each other. Like I said both these types are the hottest ones right now on the YouTube so now its upto you which one you choose.

I have tried my best to give you a clear picture of both the channel types. One thing that I always say is that "Follow Your heart and do what you love, the money and fame will automatically follow you". So you should choose a channel type you love.


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