YouTube vs Blogging: Which is better to make money

Both YouTube and Blogging are the best ways for those people who want to make money online, but did you know that which one from these two is best to make money and be successful. We are going to uncover the facts about YouTube and Blogging that will make you to decide which one is better for you.

You can not compare YouTube and blogging because these are two different fields, but if you are taking these two platforms to start making money then there are many differences and prospective we can talk on.
Blogging is one of the most traditional way of expressing your views in the age of connected generation, and written content ruled the world of content marketing and promotions for a very long time- it is still consider to be the best way to create brand awareness and recognition. But over the past few years we have seen a rapid growth in the speed of internet which automatically led to the need of Video content and info-graphics. More and more brands are going towards the video content to promote their businesses, As it is more easy and fast for a layman to know about a particular product via videos.

Now this situations creates a big problem for content creator like us which way to go, should we do blogging or make videos for YouTube. As a blogger and YouTube content creator I strongly feel like both have advantages and disadvantages. There is also a possibility that one might fit good to a person like you and not to others depending upon the industry or niche, available resources and the region or country you live in.

Why to choose Blogging to Make Money Online?

Blogging changed the picture of old day writing, where it takes a lot of time for a published writing to be read. Now blogging make it possible for a writing to reach millions of people around the world in matter of seconds.

Andrew Sullivan (Authorrightly said
Blogging is to writing what extreme sports are to athletics: more free-form, more accident-prone, less formal, more alive. It is, in many ways, writing out loud- 

1. Blogging do not cost much to start:

When we compare blogging with the YouTube or any other form of video content than blogging is better to choose as you do not need any thing except a computer with internet connection. On the other hand if you are looking to create video content then you must have a standard camera, microphone and a studio or a good environment to record videos which will match the market. Moreover you must have knowledge of editing the videos + making them to meet the market requirement.

2. Blogging is super fast:

You can make good written content a very short period of time as compared to making a good video. Because when you make videos you have to tackle many problems from Picture quality to Voice and editing. 
Normally making an awesome blog post require 50 to 55% less time as compared to making a good video.

3. You own your written content:

As we are specifically comparing blogging with the YouTube. So when you make your videos and upload them to YouTube, then it is upto YouTube to block your channel and your content on it whenever they feel you are violating the rules and we have seen YouTube blocking some very popular channel on it.
But in case of blogging you own your content and no one can take it down unless you made a very serious violation of international laws.

4. Doing Affiliate Marketing is easy and profitable in blogging:

Your blog gives you the more freedom to do affiliate marketing, As you own every inch of your blog. You can put affiliate links anywhere you want on it. While on YouTube you have to put your affiliate links only in Video description area.

5.  Monetization is not restricted to Google AdSense only:

In blogging monetization is not restricted to Google AdSense only. You can monetize your website or blog with many ad publisher networks. This means that in blogging there are many options to choose and make money. While in case of YouTube you can only use Google AdSense ad network to monetize you video content.

Why to choose YouTube to Make Money Online ?

YouTube and other video hosting websites are the future of digital Marketing and branding, because these are consider to be the most populated platforms and the number of audience is also increasing day by day. Brands are coming toward the YouTube to advertise their businesses. Many digital market influencers are even hinting that written content will be dead in coming 10 to 15 years and everything will be advertised in the form of videos and info-graphic.  

1. YouTube gives you quick access to reach more traffic:

Writing blog content is easy and fast but getting traffic for your blog is the most toughest job to do, you have to learn different SEO techniques and wait for the people to reach your blog post.
While on the other hand it is way much easy to get traffic on YouTube channel and reach maximum people in no time. YouTube features like suggested videos make it so easy for you to explore new audience everyday.  
Did You know that " YouTube is ranked 2nd most popular search engine in the world ."

2. Video content is more appealing as compared to written:

If you want people to buy your product or use your services then doing it via video content is more successful way as compared to your written blog post.  
American Multinational Networking company Cisco says that global internet traffic from videos will make up 80% of all internet traffic by 2019. This means that all the brands will look more toward the visual content because it is more appealing have more traffic.

3. Good relationships with your viewers:

YouTube gives you many features like YouTube Live to make better relationship with your viewers and let them talk to you directly on the spot. Your viewers start to believe in you and this led to more success and happiness for you and your business.
If you are thinking of doing affiliate marketing then it is more easy to convince people via visual content to buy a product.

4. Google AdSense performance is better:

I don't about other people but in my case I make more money from my YouTube channel as compared to my blogs. There are more chances a viewer can view an ad on your video because visual ads are interesting to watch.
In blogging a user have to click an ad, so that you can make money from it that means you have to convince the user 100%. While in case of YouTube video ads it is not necessary for a user to be 100% convinced to watch an ad- in simple words on YouTube you get paid if anyone just watches ads on your content while on blog you get paid only if someone click on the ads.

5. Video content is the future:

As we can see that internet speed increasing and internet services's cost is getting cheaper every day, more and more countries around the world are going toword the fast internet. Now People like to watch things instead of reading them as they have easy access to fast internet, so we can say that future is of video content not blogging.


I have tried to uncover all important prospective of both YouTube and Blogging and give you a clear picture of the better one. Now it is upto you to choose which one you like. 
If you have enough time and budget then I will suggest you to consider both at the same time as both have potentials so why not make it doubled to make double money.


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