Impact of Intro on your YouTube channel & Best practices

If you are looking to grow your channel, then you have to follow some rules while adding an intro to your videos. Intro makes your channel to stand up and makes viewers to think about subscribing you, but most of the time the intro went so wrong that makes people dislike your video and decrease your watch time.

There are few things to keep in mind when you are going to make an intro for your videos, I am going to uncover those.
Before I go to explain those things and tips for creating intro for YouTube videos, I would like to share some common impacts an intro can make on your channel.

Good Impacts of YouTube Channel Intro:

Well as I mention above the intro can be a make or break thing for your success on YouTube, and it can let you to stand out as professional YouTuber among others. 
Many people will say that good content is the key thing to get more views and subscribers, and intro does not really matter. But I would ask them to think again because all popular YouTubers are not fools who have made intros for their channels.
Yes Good content is the most important and the only thing that lets you to be successful on the YouTube, and the intro just boosts your progress and makes you stand up as a professional brand or personality.
lets see some of the Good impacts of an Intro on Your channel.

  • A good into can create a good impact in the minds of your viewers and they thinks that you are serious about a particular topic and you are a serious YouTuber.
  • An intro is like an overview of your whole channel, and it actually explains that what is niche of your channel.
  • It gives a feeling of an official YouTuber to the viewers and they think that you are a professional in this field. 
  • So a good intro of your channel can increase the subscriber as it is more easy to convince people with an awesome thing at the start.
  • Similarly number of likes are rapidly increased if you have an eye catching intro.

Bad Impacts of Intro on your Channel:

 An intro can only have bad impacts on your channel if you done it wrong. What are the some bad things that you do when making an intro I will discuss in the coming paragraphs but first lets see how badly a wrong intro impacts on your channel growth.

  • A wrong intro makes the viewers immediately leave your video, even if you have a great content.
  • An old fashioned intro can waste all your hard work and time that you spent on creating your content.
  • Sometimes it makes your subscribers to unsubscribe you as they get tired seeing that bad intro.
  • In short, Bad intro is a biggest hurdle between you and the success of your channel.

Best Practices and tips to create a Good Channel intro:

We have seen that how bad or good an intro can impact on your channel, now its time to know which are the few things that makes an intro good or bad. The list is so long but I have tried to mention here the most common ones to create a awesome intro.

 1.  First thing first: Know your content type:

Before going to create an intro for your channel you should keep few points in your mind about the niche you follow, Because different channel types have totally different approach to make an intro. It simply means that an intro of Tech channel is totally different from the intro of a vine channel in all aspects. 

Suppose you have a Tech channel then you have to show more seriousness in the start and you have to be more professional so that the viewer thinks that you are a qualified person and have enough knowledge about the technology.  
On the other hand if you run a comedy or a vine type of a channel then you have to be Charming in your intro, you should show those looks which makes viewers think that you are an interesting person and your channel content will be interesting too. 

2. Your channel intro length:

This is the most important factor that makes a channel intro bad or good, you might have also experience while watching other people's videos that when you see a long intro you get tired and leaves the video. According to my personal experience I close almost 8 out of 10 videos those have a long intro.  

What should be the right length of channel intro then ?

Most of the YouTuber have a maximum channel intro length of 15 seconds, but I prefer to have a maximum 10 seconds. Everyone is in hurry to watch the great content so we have to be more competent and respect the viewers by not wasting their time on our long intro. 
A good intro can attract viewers attention about your channel in 10 to 15 seconds and makes them think about subscribing you.
If you think you have a great intro which is more than 15 seconds of length then it is good to make it outro instead of playing it at the start of video.

3. Placement of your intro in the video:

Well intro as the name says should have been at the start of your video, but it become kind of an old fashion. Now a days most of the popular YouTuber adds Channel intro after one or two minutes of the video is played. In simple words they show the user what they are looking for first a bit, so the viewer believe that it is the content they are looking for and then channel intro comes in, which makes them to subscribe your channel to get similar kind of content in future. This technique is used by many popular YouTubers including Video Influencers, Think Media, MostlySane, TechWiser and many more. You might have noticed this too, if not then go and check some other popular channels.

The most impressing channel intro placement  I found is adding two channel intros instead of one big, and I have seen it on the Prajakta Koli's Mostly Sane YouTube channel which have more than 2 million subscribers. What she do is she ads a 5 seconds subscribe appeal at the very start of the video, then she talk's bit what is going to be in her this videos (kind of a video snip) followed by a 10 seconds proper channel intro. This makes user not to get tired as she is mixing the content and the channel intro together.

4. Don't be too fancy when creating YouTube channel intro:

Fancy channel intro might click in the past but now those who have very fancy channel intro are consider to be big fools. So try to be as simple as you can while creating your channel intro and convince the viewers in a simple and smooth way to be with you.

Some tips not to get fancy while creating channel intro:
  • Don't use eye-teasing colors in your intro, instead use proper thematic colors.
  • Select Simple fonts and don't use any over fancy fonts.
  • Instead of adding only big bold text, try to add your own pictures or videos in your intro with your channel name.
  • Don't add too much text in the channel intro, just add few words that better describes your channel. 
  • Try to be simple as much as you can and create footsteps in a cool way.

5. Selection of music for your channel intro:

This is the last and the most important thing that will create good impacts in the minds of viewers about your channel. When it comes to choosing the right music for your channel intro then you must choose an energy music like most of the popular YouTube channel do.

As you might know that YouTube provides thousands of sound tracks for your videos so you can find any Rock, and Pop music track or background music for your channel intro easily.


So now you know that how important is an intro for your YouTube channel. For a better and good looking channel you have to focus on all tips I mentioned here including channel intro length, channel intro placement and choosing the right background music for you intro.

These were just the few most important tips that will let your channel to stand up in the competition, You can also do a little bit of research in your particular niche of the channel and can see what your competitors are doing and how they made their channel intro.  


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