How much money we can make per view on YouTube

YouTube is now become a best place for making money online. Its easy and simple way to start making money. Today we will cover that how much money do we make from YouTube per view.
First of all I want to clear few things which are;
1. YouTube Videos views and YouTube Ads views are two different things.
2. YouTube Video Clicks and YouTube ads clicks are two different things as well.
So your mind will be clear about it, let's move to the main article that is "How much money we can make from YouTube per view."
The advertisers only pay you when someone click on the Ads in your YouTube video or watches an ad for 30 seconds.
This means if somebody watch your videos and he/she don't click on ads then you won't get paid.
Typically you can make $1 per 25 views of Ads on your YouTube channel.
As I'm making $1200 to $1500 per month with almost 2 million Videos views and approximately 500 to 1500 ads clicks or views.


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