How to make your blog post more popular and be Shared; 8 Ways

You have work on your blog post's main content and prepare a post, But still your blog post is not getting popularity and even it is not shared by people on the social media, You might be thinking what is wrong with my blog post. If you are thinking so then continue reading this post, Because it is for you-

Most of Blogger miss the biggest trick that is "Interacting with the Blog readers", As we are interacting with our blog readers with our written text and images, Then there are some techniques to improve this interaction. This blog post writing techniques will surly increase the popularity and number of shares of your blog.

1. Solid title or Headline of Blog post:

Do You want more clicks on your blog ? If yes then this is the area you should improve, Because if you have a very good headline for your post then reader will surly want to check your post, Use dramatic and Imaginary words in the title of your post, This will draw the attention of reader towards your post in the Google Search results.

2. Introduction of your blog post:

OK, Now your great post title make reader to click on it, The next step is the introduction of your post, This introduction will compel your blog reader to continue reading your post, Introduction of your post should be not too long and must be meaningful and short summary of your whole blog post, It must specify what reader is going to learn in this blog post.  

3. Paragraph of Blog post:

Always make short paragraphs in your blog post, Because reading long long paragraphs might make your blog readers tired and they will suddenly close it instead of Sharing it on social media, Generally 7 to 8 sentences paragraph is the best one.

4. Images in your blog post:

Use images of relevant topics in your blog post, A research stats that if you have good and relevant images in your blog post then this can increase 40 to 50 percent of CTR (Click through rates), As some one said "An Image can say something that thousands of words can't".

5. Be simple:

Don't get too complicated with your blog reader, always try to write in simple language and manner, Tell your readers stories about the topic of your blog post, This will make them to show more interest in your blog post.

6. Friendly Relation with your blog readers:

Make a friendly relationship with your blog readers and don't try be teacher or something like that, If you make a friendly blog post then reader will share this post on social media thinking that it is his/her post, and your blog post will become more popular among the readers.

7. Good Closing of Blog post:

Make a good closing of your blog post. Because if you don't have the good closing of your blog post then reader might think after reading your post that he/she has waste his/her time, Come up with a encouraging ending of your blog post.

8. Social Networking menus:

This something more important because if you don't have social media sharing buttons then how will your reader share your post? Add social media (Facebook, Twitter, Google+) buttons below your every blog post, this will increase 50 to 60 percent of you blog popularity.


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