Basic Ideal Layout of a Website or Blog; 6 Tips

Designing or choosing a Blog Layout is a very Important step in your
Blogging Career, A good blog layout has many benefits; Including
Search Engine Optimization Performance (SEO), and attracting Readers
who visit your Blog.
                 Most of the new Bloggers just start their Blogging without a good Blog
layout and this is the number one reason why they Failed.
Today I'm going to share the Basic elements of a Good Blog layout,
Generally a good Blog layout has 6 Basic elements, which are as follows;

1. Solid Header of Your Blog:

Header is the top most portion of your Blog, A solid Header is one
which represent your whole Blog, It should be the name of your Blog.
Header has two forms, its on you to choose your favorite;

  • A header with a Image or Logo.
  • A header with some text.

2. Description of your Blog:

Whenever some one visits your website or Blog then he/she will see
first of all your Blog's Description, Because he/she wants to know
further about your Blog's niche. Moreover this description also
performs an important role in SEO Performance of your Blog.

3. Navigation Bars or Nav Menus of your Blog:

Navigation Bars lets your Blog visitor to explore your Blog's content,
Navigation Bar is the thing which increase your Blog's Page views.
Navigation Bars contain links of other Pages, Labels or Posts.
Navigation Bars have two types;
  • Horizontal Navigation Bars  
  • Vertical Navigation Bars. 

You should use both Bars in your Blog.

4. Post Area of your Blog:

This is the Area where your Blog content will be shown, some of the
important things for Post area are Font Selection; Choose only 3 Font
Style for your Post area, i.e One for Post title, 2nd for text in it
and third for the links in Blog posts. Generally 'Arial' the most used
font on the Internet.

5. Colors in your Blog Layout:

Colors are magnetic and they draw attention of the visitors of your
Blog, Using a Eye teasing color will be a drain for your Blog reader,
and the don't want to surf their anymore,
Don't use to many colors in your Blog because it creates confusion in
the mind of Readers. Always be consistent using the same colors in
your Blog and create a brand of Color for your Blog.

6. Footer of your Blog Layout:

Footer is the Place which contain Information about your Blog and
declaration of Copy Rights.


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