Make more money with Facebook Ad Network

In this connected age there are more chances to enhance and make more money by using different online tools. Facebook Ad network is one of them through you can make more money and can expand your online or physical business.

Marketing and advertisement is the key factor in every small or large scale business, because without it no business can run and the business owner will be sitting idle without any progress in his or her business. After the revolutionary development in the Internet and communication technology the advertisement become more easy as on the internet you can reach maximum number of people and can convey your message to them.

Facebook monetization and make money

There are many platforms you can use to make more money and can stand up as successful businessmen or entrepreneur. Using these platforms you can increase your chances of success and can get 100% out of your effort and hard-work.

One of those platforms is Facebook Ad Network (Also known as Facebook Audience Network), So here we will discuss how you can use FAN to stand up in the market and can make more money.

Why Facebook Ad Network?

Facebook Ad network is the world's 2nd largest ad network after Google AdSense. Its just two years since Facebook Ad Network is been launched and it is ruling all other Ad network. According to the research and analytics it will be the top Ad network in coming years and will beat Google AdSense.

The following are the some of the reasons why you should use Facebook Ad Network
  • Lowest ad rates (minimum $ 3 )
  • High coverage
  • Smart ad placement
  • Quick results.

So if you already have a business running then you can use FAN to increase your income and be more successful, AND if you don't already have a business then lets see how you can start it and can make money.

Ways to make more money using FAN:

There are many ways and businesses you can start online and then use the FAN or Google AdSense to increase you revenue but some of the best small business ideas are as follows with there description.

1. Online Shopping Store:

Now a days nobody wants to go out for shopping and they go to online shopping store to buy new things, as a result the online shopping stores business is very hot today. What you have to do is to create a Free online shopping store and then advertise it one Facebook or AdSense and get the maximum number of customers. 

2. Restaurant on Facebook:

Have you ever thought about an online restaurant? Make an online restaurant on Facebook and deliver foods to the customers who orders through Facebook. Facebook has a special way in which it will show your food deals only to the people of your area, as a result you will get more customers from your area.

3. Online Tuition Center:

If you know English, Math, Physics, Computer Science or any other subject then you can start teaching people online and can make money while sitting at your home.
All you have to do is to create a Facebook Page and then advertise it. As a result then you get more students online.

4. Mobile Apps:

If you know how to make android or iOS apps then advertising it on Facebook or AdSense can give your App a boost and you will get more app viewers by just spending few dollars, you can make million of dollars through your app. 
This advertisement will give your app 
  • Boost in number of installations.
  • More people will know about it.
  • High income you will make from it.

 5. Online Quran Academy:

If you are Muslim and you know how to read holy quran then teaching it online can give you more money. Because in countries like America, England, and other European countries  there are no quran tutors, so the muslims living there are always looking for Quran Tutors.
Your Facebook page can connect these people to the Quran Tutors and as a result you will make money.

These were just five ways, but you can find many more to make money online by using Facebook Ad Network or Google AdSense.
The thing is you should be always looking for opportunities and always willing to do the hardwork, Then you can explore the world of online money making and can earn more money.      


  1. Which is better to make more money ? Facebook ads or Google AdWords


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