What is a Google AdSense account (Complete Information A-Z)

Google AdSense is a special service/program of Google which lets people to make money and also to advertisers to advertise their product. here we will discuss each and every prospective of Google Adsense and the Google Adsense Account.

What Google Adsense do?

Google Adsense place ads on your websites or Blogs automatically and if someone clicks on these ads then you make money- its Simple.
You should have seen different kinds of ads on websites, these are the ads displayed by Google Adsense network i.e the owner of that website had a Google Adsense account and he/she is making money from his/her website.

History of Google Adsense:

The Google Adsense program was initially launched in America in 2003, so in the start only the people of United states were eligible to create an Adsense Account- But now almost every country is eligible for this program, So now everyone can create Google Adsense account and start making money from it.
Now more then 14 Million websites are running the Google Adsense program and making money from it. Google Adsense is one of the most useful program of Google inc.

How can you use Google Adsense:

Its very easy to be part of Google Adsense program and start using Google Adsense. All you need is to have a blog or website which have fair traffic on it.
Once you applied on Google Adsense and Your Google Adsense account is approved by Google than you simply get ad codes from Google Adsense. 
Now all you need to do is to put this Ad code on your Blog or Website and start making money when someone clicks on these Ads- Nothing much you need to do after that.

What if You don't have a Website already?

Mostly people don't have a website- So don't worry. There are two methods to start using Google Adsense program, which are

  1. Free Method (with Blogger.com)
  2. Investment (with Your website)

Nobody might have discussed Google Adsense in this way but I am doing this for those people who don't know anything about Google Adsense.

1. Free method:

Free method is to create a Free blog on Blogger.com and start posting on it, Once your blog become popular than go and apply for Google Adsense program and start making money.

2. Investment:

The both methods are equal as for as you earning from Google Adsense is concerned, this difference is that in this method you should have a website for which you have paid little bit of fee to Domain name provider.
Through this method you can do the same start posting on your website and than apply for Adsense program and get your Google Adsense account verified and start making money from Google.

Important: if you have any question regarding Google Adsense Program or Google Adsense Account then just ask us in the Comment Box below, we will be happy to help you.


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