Make money online from YouTube (complete guide)

YouTube become one of the most favorite online place to make money online, Here we will discuss the A to Z process of earning money online on YouTube. So keep on reading if you want to make money through YouTube.
We have discussed previously that how much money you can make from YouTube but many blog members are still saying that what is the complete procedure of making money on YouTube, so we have created this article for people like you who want to know that how to earn money online from YouTube.

So let's start the main article that is

How to make or earn money via YouTube?

There are few things that you should have before making money online from YouTube, these things are:
- Computer (better if you have a laptop).
-  Internet connection.
- A content mind.
- and a good work place (it may be at your home or anywhere else where you can work)
If you have all those things mentioned above than you're ready to start making money online from YouTube.
Here is what you have to do;
1. Go to YouTube website.
2. Sign in with you're gmail account.
3. Create a YouTube channel.
4. Upload videos to your YouTube channel.
5. Enable you're videos for monetization.
6. And start making money online from YouTube.
The details of the above steps is given one by one below:

1. Goto YouTube website:

Simply open you're browser and type

2. Sign in to Gmail account:

After YouTube home page is opened click on sign in and type you gmail account ID and password.

3. Create Channel:

After that click on create channel and give you're channel a unique name.

4. Upload Videos:

After your channel is created, click on upload anytime and upload videos which people will see and like.

5. Enable Monetization:

Hold on a bit you're going too fast, upload at least 10 to 15 amazing videos, get at least 1000 or more views on you're videos and than go to video manager on you're YouTube channel page and enable monetization (means show ads on you videos) by clicking just "Enable Monetization".

6. Start making money:

After your account is approved by Google, ads will start to show on you're videos (usually it takes 24 hours to get you're account approved), and now when anyone see you're videos than Google will send money to you're account.
There are few more points that you should keep in your mind before making money online from YouTube. Which are:
- Don't think that you will start making money online from YouTube in just one day, it is a bit hard way to make money online, so you need to have passion to make money online and you have to work hard.
- You should not copy/download others videos and upload them again, but you have to create your own videos.
Best of luck and keep in touch! Because we will explain this topic a bit more in future.
And remember that if you have any question regarding how to make money online from YouTube than ask it in the comments below, we will try to answer your question as quickly as much possible.


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