How to make money on YouTube in Pakistan

In this post we are going to explain How to make money on Youtube in Pakistan, So if you want to make money on YouTube than keep on reading this post, This article is specially for Pakistani People.

As I always says today is the age of Computer and Internet, many people are living their lives on the internet and make very handsome amount of income through it, They are working on the internet and Internet is giving money back to them, Internet is not just a place for information and entertainment BUT it became a market of commerce and trade.
There are many many ways to make money on the internet and there are many opportunists waiting for you, From Blogging to Freelancing and Simple Data Entry Jobs to a Job of  Web Developer everything is on the Internet.
Make money on YouTube in Pakistan

Today we are going to discuss how to make money on the YouTube in Pakistan.
We know that YouTube is ranked number 2 in the world and their are millions of videos in it and Trillion of People around the world watch these videos daily. YouTube has a program which lets you to put Ads on your YouTube Videos and when people clicks on these ads coming on your Video then you earn money. This program is called "Monetize with Ads", But unfortunately this program is not yet been launched for Pakistan means that Pakistanis can not use this program to make money on YouTube , I have a method to get rid of this problem and Make money on YouTube in Pakistan, So lets Start the Process and Make money on YouTube in Pakistan.

Note: Now YouTube had launched this program for Pakistan so the below method can't be used! CLICK HERE to see the new simple and easy method.

Step 1: Create a American Verified Gmail ID:

As I said YouTube monetize with Ads is not for Pakistan, But it is for other countries like America, India etc, so we can create a American Gmail ID that means our YouTube account is based on a American Gmail ID and We make money on YouTube while sitting in Pakistan- 
Make money on YouTube in Pakistan
  • Go to Gmail and Click on create a New Account
  • Here type all your details But in the county option select United States.
  • Now we need a Mobile Number of America to verify our account, There are many website which provide FREE American Number to Receive SMS online, We choose or You can search "Receive SMS in America in Google" to get more websites like that.
  • Type the Mobile number provided by on Gmail Sign Up page and click on Next Step
  • Now Google will send you a verification code which you will receive on
  • Type the code in the verification box and you get a Gmail ID of America.

 Step 2: Creating YouTube Channel and making Money:

Make money on YouTube in Pakistan
Photo by YouTube

Now go to YouTube and create a new Channel using the Gmail ID which you have created now (i,e American Gmail ID).
  • After creating Gmail ID, Upload Videos on it and increase your viewers.
  • When you get a handsome amount of people than apply for Monetize with Ads program.
Here is how you can do it:

  • You can monetize a video as it uploads by clicking the Monetization tab and checking the “Monetize with Ads” box.
  • To monetize a video after it has been uploaded, open your Video Manager and click the “$” sign next to the video that you want to monetize. Check the “Monetize with Ads” box 


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