How to earn money with Blogging while sitting at home

This article is about an interesting and easy work at home Job Called Blogging, making online money at home is now easy for Indian, Pakistanis and other countries , You can earn 10$ to 1000$ per month by just concentrating on this Job and doing consistent Work.

The Job I am going to explain here is not the Heavy one and it is also not the New one, Yes I'm Talking about Blogging, Do you Know what is blogging?

What is Blogging?

Blogging means writing something and Publishing it on the Internet, Now a days many People earning money from blogging. For this you just need to have an Internet Connection and little bit experience about a specific topic.

How do I start it?   

Its very simple to start blogging, You do not need any money to start it, As mention above you just need a Internet connection. 
First of all you need to create a Free Blog on the Internet and then start posting article on it. 

How do I GET Paid:

Well its little bit tough Process, You need to post daily on your blog and increase the members of your Blog. After you grow your Audience, You have to apply for Google Adsense or any other service. They will pay you for ads.

This is a very great JOB as for as money is concerned, Don't take it light, Many Pakistanis are earning 10,000 to 200000 per month.


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