6 Tips for Your Blog Layout

In this post you will learn Tips how to make your blog layout and Design User friendly, You will also learn best practices related to blog layout and Design. So keep on reading this post and make your blog Layout inspiration for other bloggers.

Blog layout or Design is something that is directly impact on your Blog viewers, It decides that whether to stay on your Blog or to leave it. Many new blogger concentrate on Blog content and they don't consider Blog Design and Layout- You will be shocked to know that 20 to 30 percent Google search engine traffic came from the Basis of Layout and Design.
Follow these tips to make your Blog healthy and More popular by making these layout changes.
Blog Layout Tips

1. Alignment in your Blog:   

Aligning your Blog content as well as the side bars is very important, You might have notice that images in many blog posts looks larger then then the side bars or even from the content area. If your blog has such alignment of Texts, Images or side bars then sort it to a specific height and width in your blog template, You can also choose your Blog template from Stores But be careful when choosing a Blog Template AND make sure there is a Good and equal alignment of text, Images and Side bars.

2. Non-Crowded Layout: 

Crowded or full of Widgets page is suddenly not accepted in a Good Blog Layout and Design Because your blog readers may confused when surfing your blog, They will suddenly leave your Blog page and as a result you will lost many blog readers.
So make sure to use as less widgets as much as possible and try to post separate links of different widgets and pages instead of  whole page or widget . Choose only those widgets which are very necessary.

3. Colors on your Blog:    

Colors are life but some times their too much use can make your life feel uncomfortable, In the same way if you use a proper theme of colors for your blog then they will attract the Blog visitors and if you choose a unusual and eye teasing color combination then it will make your blog viewers to leave your blog.
Always choose colors which are standardize and not eye teasing. Another thing is combination of colors which means which color you choose for a specific area of Blog (I.e Title, Headings or text etc).

4. Description of Your Blog:    

This Should have been at number one! Short description of your blog is something that gives your blog visitors a clear Idea about your blog, They will know just when they visit your blog.
Moreover adding a short description of top keywords will also help your blog to stand up in the search engines results.

5. Blogger's Profile:  

You should add your profile with your photo to show visitors who is behind this Blog, a Good and well written Profile can make your blog visitors more comfortable and they will feel free to ask you any question.

6. Comment Box on your Blog:    

Comment box is something that directly connects your blog viewers to you, they will ask you anything the feel to ask, BUT you should have been careful when choosing a Comment box layout- Don't choose a hidden or cluttered Comment box.
If you want to get more comment on your Blog then read; GET MORE COMMENTS ON YOUR BLOG

MY Best TIP:  Always try to be simple as much as you can regrading your blog layout and don't go for any thing cluttered and over whelming.     


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