Add Favicon in a Blogger Blog in 2 Seconds

Today I am going to explain the method of Adding a Favicon in the Blogger Blog, Favicon is stand for Favorite icon, It is the Icon which appears in the title bar of the Browsers- Favicon is a 16px by 16px or 32px by 32px ico file.
Lets start how to add a favicon in Blogger?

Creating a Favicon:

First of all we need to create .ico file of our favicon, We can create this in Photoshop and also there are many online website which creates .ico File in 1 second for FREE, You just need to search in Google "Online Favicon Creator", After you create a Favicon File download it on your hard Drive.

Uploading .ico File on Blogger:

Sign in to your Blogger Account and click on Layout , You will see Favicon in the top of Layout Page, Just click on the Edit under Favicon.
A new window will open up, Browse the .ico File and Upload it here and Click on Save.

Congratulations You Favicon is Added-

If still have some problem just share it in the Comments.


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