Four ways to make money on Twitter

Twitter is one the most popular social media networks in the world. According to Statista , Twitter had an average of 330 million active users per month. So the market is big enough to get benefits from it, yes I'm talking about how we can make money from the Twitter . I have some legitimate ways to make money from it. There might be thousands of ways you can make money from Twitter, but the four I am going to share with you are the best one to make some money from Twitter. Do you know there are people in this world who "Who make $500 to $10000 from Twitter per month", You can also be one of them, all you need to do is to read out this post and work hard to achieve your goals. 1. Sponsored Tweets: If you have a Twitter account with at least 50 followers and 100 Tweets then you can sign up for this service. It is pretty much similar to Google's Adsense program but the only difference is that here you can show ads on your Twitter account instead of your blo...